Kolibri Shortcuts

Shortcuts Description Scope
cmd+ctrl 1 or 2 Switches between animation and design editor Design and animation tabs
cmd+enter Shows the 'add new' menu. Depending if you are in animation or design editor Design and animation tabs
cmd+1 to 6 Selects the shape/animation at this position and inserts it Add Shapes and Add Animation Menu
cmd+c, cmd+x, cmd+v Copy, cut and paste Shapes Design tab
cmd+ctrl+c Show or hide the code view Design and animation tabs
Enter or double tap Toggle edit path shape or text Design tab
Delete Delete selected shape Design tab
cmd+d Duplicate selected shape Design tab
arrow keys, shift+arrow keys Move selected shape up, left, down or right. When pressing Shift while moving, it moves faster. Design tab
R, O, T, P Quickly insert new Rectangle, Oval, Text or Path Design tab
cmd+, Show settings view Design and animation tabs